此博客的目的是為家屬照顧者提供一個平台,讓照顧者可以交流經驗及彼此分享,以達到在照顧的路程中能互相支持和鼓勵。 博客上所表達的全屬個人意見並不反映仁人服務社的意見。瀏覽博客選取有關意見時,在採取任何決定之前,務必使用自己的判斷。 仁人服務社保留所有權利刪除任何本社認為對公衆造成傷害的張貼。任何博客上分享的信息,其準確性,完整性,適用性和有效性均不代表仁人服務社的意見。仁人服務社也不會承擔博客上分享信息所引致對任何人的損失及傷害。

Disclaimer (English)

如果您是新的讀者並想在這裡與其他家屬照顧者分享你的經驗,請先與我們聯絡及登記:請致電 206-624-5633 內線 4137 黃嘉惠小姐、內線 4123 方家寶小姐、內線 4324 楊思慈小姐或內線 4300 林家萬小姐

Disclaimer (English)

This blog is intended to provide a platform for family caregivers to share their caregiving experiences with each other. The purpose is to provide mutual support in the journey of providing care to loved ones. The views expressed by the individuals do not reflect the views of this blog or CISC. Use your discretion before making any decisions based on the information in this blog. CISC reserves the right to delete any postings that are deemed to cause harm to the readers. CISC makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information shared on this blog and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.